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Open your Company in Switzerland with Tunnel15
As a common rule, the Swiss Constitution allows everyone, including foreign citizens, to conduct business in Switzerland, according to the freedom of trade and industry. Some of the main advantages of establishing your business in Switzerland are the reduced amount of legal “red tape” and the overall efficiency of the system.
At Tunnel15 we will give you professional advice and lead you through all the steps that you need to take in order to create your company in Switzerland:
1. Decide on the legal structure of your firm
Limited Liability Company (Sàrl in French, GmbH in German, Srl in Italian)
Public Limited Company (SA in French, AG in German, S.p.A. in Italian)
Sole Proprietorship (RI in French, Einzelunternehmen in German, DI in Italian)
General Partnership (SNC in French, KolG in German, SNC in Italian)
Simple Partnership (SS in French, eG in German, SS in Italian)
2. Ensure the availability of your corporate name
Branches and regional offices have to be registered under the name of the head company. However, any other legal entity can choose its business name freely subject to the Federal Commercial Registry Office requirements.
3. Choose your business domicile
Your domicile (registration) address must exist before you register the company. In case you have not found the perfect location for you, Tunnel15 offers Domiciliation solutions in the forms of Virtual, Shared and Fixed Offices.
4. Minimum Capital Deposit
The minimum capital required has to be deposited in a Swiss Bank. The amount of the capital varies according to the legal structure of the company chosen.
5. Define the members of the governing groups of the business
It’s necessary to determine the representatives of your company in Switzerland such as members of Board of Directors, directors, auditors (if required).
In order to speed up the domiciliation process, Tunnel15 may take on the responsibility of managing director representing your company in Switzerland, including such services as 24 hours accounting, VAT calculations, tax reports.
6. Submit notarized forms confirming the establishment of your firm
In order to be authorized to conduct business, you need to register your company with the Commercial Registry which gives the firms trading right protection. Entry requires a submitted application completed by all the ancillary documents required (notarized).
7. Explain VAT obligation with the Swiss Federal Tax Administration
After the authorization, it’s mandatory to determine whether the firm is subject to the VAT, and if it is,state the VAT liability with the Swiss Federal Tax Administration.
8. Determine audit techniques
For differently legally structured firms, it can either be mandatory or not to appoint official auditors.
9. Register your personnel in the Social Security System
After the registration with the Commercial Registry, the employer will receive documents from the Social Security Office (Ausgleichskasse) for the registration of all the employees for the social benefits.
Tunnel15 offers professional advice and step-by-step assistance in creating your company in Switzerland:
Total cost of start-up services: CHF 2800 – 3500 depending on the legal structure chosen by the client.
Any additional costs are related to whether the client requests Tunnel15 for day-to-day accounting, VAT calculation, tax reports, and managing director’s services.

Opened in March 2012, Tunnel15 is offering innovative solutions for office spaces.
While offering professional expertise, flexibility, high quality services, and convenience to its clients, Tunnel15 is perfect for Independents, Start-Ups and Small Enterprises alike.
Come to Tunnel 15 and let us help you take the next step to your success!

Rue du Tunnel 15
1227 Carouge, Geneva
+41 22 575 36 15
+41 79 526 00 15